Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rest in Peace

Al fatihah dan takziah to our EDCAM whose beloved wife just passed away on the 1st Feb. She died because of lung cancer. What disturb me the most was when I was told that in the beginning when she was sick, they went to a specialist centre and was diagnosed and treated as tuberculosis. But after some time it still persisted and then went to QEH and was told it was not TB but paru-paru berair. So my point is, how come a specialist centre gave the wrong diagnosis?

This is not the first such case I heard. One was straight from my friend who almost went for a surgery after a series of meetings with the specialist. But before she submit herself to the surgery, went for a second opinion and was given antibiotics and advised to eat more vegetables, she got better. So what happened there?

Now can't we even trust the specialist? Hard earned money wasted and unnecessary treatment / pain to go through.


fabmom said...

worrying kan..mengkali doktor muda2 ni....specialist on theory saja..experience tiada..

Val Aziz said...

ya bah..

Unknown said...

i read from a singaporean forum, it's best to do the annual health checkup at one centre rather than going to several other centres as even they are done at the same time, the test results may vary. it would be difficult to keep track of what went up or down - inconclusive result. as to why, it is still puzzling..might as well stick to one doc..

Val Aziz said...

Hi liz, this is the thing...when one specialist doc treated you but still u're nt getting any better and diagnose you w some terrible disease or decides to cut you open..but then when you see another doc and then lain diagnosenya pulak and its actually not mcm mau kiamat dunia..and then you get well after the "correct" treatment. Maksudnya salah sudah kan the 1st doc..mcmana dorang bulih salah sedangkan dorang tu pakar? Bukankah pakar ni lebih canggih? So scary la the thought.

Just plain Sharon said...

emmm memang scarylah kalau gitu. maciam mana buli salah diagnose? Mesti durang motivated by money. How awful kan.

Anonymous said...

Sue the specialist!!!

Shabbymom said...


kuireena said...

Sbb tu la sia wlu cemna pun hospital kerajaan tu selalu kena kutuk, dorang jugak yg sia trust..slow sikit, but very thorough..