Friday Night..went for our Sports Club Awards Dinner..the theme was obvious ain't it heheh..and yours truly had to go for the Amy Winehouse get-up because of a botched hairdo after twice asking the hairdresser to "amend" the style..and she called herself a stylist!! Annoyed to the max..Luckily there was Amy Winehouse or otherwise I would be stuck with Marge Simpson (no thanx to my balding brother who had a good laugh when he picked me up from the hair place).
Otherwise the dinner event went ok, only 2 tables made more raucous than the rest who were not into the Rocker's mood..and that was our company's tables!! We Rock!! heheh suda tua tak sedar diri la ni..but ramai juga yang muda-muda bah..We won placings I think on 4 various events so "Yeah Yeah for SVH". Nothing to say on the food. My personal comment, the theme was really happening but it should be more adapted into all elements like the menu, decor, not just costume. And the emcee could have made the suasana more Rockin' and get the mood going. He's a good emcee, cool in the midst of catastrophe, maybe the organiser should have planned the event in more detail to make it betul-betul rasa macam Rocker's Night. And the guest pun have to be more sporting la, when you're told there's a theme at least make a small effort to follow, not like some people who came in BATIK?! heheheh.. The event was officiated by our new Chairman who told us that the word ROCK originated from the Arabic word RAKSUN (ermmmm????)
Rock la Kak Z..simpan tattoo lagi whoo hoo!! The Queen of Rock title should be yours lah..
nice...nice...pic!...tapi dua keping jakkk.....
hehehe nanti tunggu facebook ah... byk camera lagi blum upload..psst King of Rock was Hj. Johari Hyatt wohhh..
Yo, you are one hath mama rocker!Way to go Girl.:-)
OMG....welwel....sapa tu jantan yang rambut panjang duduk sebelah c Majid?....tu bukan rock tu....tu macam "that 70's show" saja....hahahahaha....tapi SVH memang rock lahhhh.....
astagaaaa inda kanal ka?? si Mikael bah tu..dia pakai wig Kak Zainah heheheh
Mck Len..inda pernah rock bah dulu..hehehe
wow!!! glitz and glamour you! Lawa babe!
omg! is dat mike with the silly hair? waaa!!! u & z really ROCK !!!
ya bah..lawak betul tgk si Mike pakai wig..and he didn't take it off sampai dia sambung p clubing tu heehehe sot betul..mama Rock mau menghormati majlis baitu heheheh tapi Mordiana jugalah yg menang Queen of the Night..
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