Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Storm is coming!!

At this moment..the storm is blowing very strong outside. Just minutes ago we witness the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 737 is struggling to land. We actually saw it diveddown almost hitting our building's roof and the pilot immediately took it back up was a close call! The windows in one of the offices at 2nd floor broke and someone got hurt by the shards. The fishing boats in the waters near the market is now scrambling to park at the cove at Sutera arbour to find protection againts the strong waves. I'm sure it's as much dangerous for cars on the road now especially coastal highways. Those who have to use the Lok Kawi highway please be extra careful. I'm a bit apprehensive now, worried bout my babies still at the nursery. Lets pray all of us will make it through safely..amin.


Mamarock said...

Is this really true Kak Val?

Val Aziz said...

Ya banarr..ramai2 kami di opis tengok luar windows dat day..