Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blog Block

so many things to say yet i can't seem to think of wat to say??? It's been 1 week since my last post n so many things happen that it's a struggle to start again..the fingers just froze on the keys..just bits n pieces here n there..wara wiri wara wiri...

3 weeks baby Ariff was sick. The 1st time brought him to Dr. Sharon in Damai Spec. but still persist. Then brought him for a 2nd opinion at SMC Dr. Liaw, he said the medicine he was given was "biasa saja" quite mild for his case. I thought wat the @#*@ i paid for a specialist n expect a better ubat as compared to a GP n poor Ariff had to consume bottles of med is not good! So Dr. Liaw prescribed stronger med (again i was so apprehensive about my little baby makan so byk ubat for a long stretch) n said he had Bronchialitis (batuk n kahak)..after 1 more week, Ariff had a recurring fever n the mucus n cough was still there n didnt feed back to Dr. Liaw (he is so good with children he is so patient wit the worried mum who asked so many questions). This time he is worried that Ariff case might escalate to Pneumonia! OMG pucat I. So Ariff had to be nebulized 2x a day (early morn, n at night b4 sleep) n if not better he will be hospitalized. The nebz dragged on for 4 days.. so everyday we were at the emergency ward and he got better.
Mother's Day..mum was outstation..I woke up early made breakfast, clean the house, did laundry, bathe the kids, then huby decided to join the living, feed the kids, then i was so tired , no mood oredy to go out just took my nap end the day went on as usual..the day before Benjy gave 2 performances for MOther's Day organized by his school..was so proud to see him on stage..he is a natural performer and looked so comfortable..i was surprised that he was at the front row leading the exercise show..they all sang Mandarin brought back memories when i was in the same kindergarten. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there. If i'm not mistaken..the famous painting Monalisa's smile because she just found out she was pregnant.


Elle said...

Kak Val,
My son had pneumonia too - several times in fact. One time he had to be nebulised every 4 hours on top of all sorts of medication for him. Can you imagine? Pengsan saya bah jaga dia masa tu .. Anyway, hope he gets well soon. Take care :)

Shabbymom said...

kesian baby ariff....hope he gets well soon...

Val Aziz said...

Fabmama..cuba dulu tu ko kasi access to your profile..Ariff is fine oredy but doc advised he must not get sick again within this 6 mths period otherwise his case would be diagnosed as Asthma. Dangerous ba itu Pneumonia..bole lemas tu.

yanti said...

hi val,

kesian baby Ariff. kena jaga2 takut get sick lagi. wishing both of you well.

Anonymous said...

Val.. i'm so tergemam reading you from here. With his condition right now, probably its best that you don't send him to the day care. Cos his antibody is pretty weak at this point of time. I do suggest that you shud get a humidifier at home. esp in the kids room. It helps. I bought one for the kids room.. and amazingly it work well esp for celina yg slalu batuk2 non stop for mths. So, just try it out! Kisses to baby Ariff and hope he get well soon.